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Antabuse For Sale, Sheesh. You would think that maxim would be carved in the marble arches over the gates of American colleges, order Antabuse online c.o.d. Antabuse from canadian pharmacy, But I guess each generation has to learn its own lessons the hard way.

Thank goodness this time nobody died, buy Antabuse online cod. Buy Antabuse online no prescription, But as I watched The Spray Seen Round the World, a.k.a, generic Antabuse. the pepper-spraying of students doing a sit-down protest at the U, Antabuse For Sale. Buy Antabuse from mexico, of California at Davis, all I could think was "Kent State."

Before anyone sniffs and tells me this incident was nothing like that, comprar en línea Antabuse, comprar Antabuse baratos, Antabuse steet value, I bow to the distinction. Nobody died, is Antabuse safe. Doses Antabuse work, But really, the difference ends there, where can i buy cheapest Antabuse online. Order Antabuse online overnight delivery no prescription, The students disobeyed the officers and then the officers discharged weapons at them. Antabuse For Sale, No amount of rationalizing can change the facts. Pepper spray is a weapon, Antabuse cost. Purchase Antabuse online, Anyone who does not think so, just try carrying a spritzer of it into Canada, buying Antabuse online over the counter. Cheap Antabuse, As a weapon, its purpose is to deter attack, australia, uk, us, usa. Where can i cheapest Antabuse online, The officer is allowed to use if and only if his safety is actively threatened. These officers, however, were not attacked, but disobeyed, Antabuse For Sale.

Linda Katehi, Antabuse for sale, Antabuse street price, the Chancellor of UCD, put the officers on suspension and called for an investigation to take place during the next 30 days, Antabuse without prescription. Antabuse price, coupon, Thirty days. For pity's sake, Antabuse without a prescription, Buy cheap Antabuse, 30 seconds is all it takes to see what happened. 30 hours should be plenty of time to take down statements from everyone who was there, discount Antabuse, Antabuse photos, and catalog every one of the many videos being recorded by bystanders. Antabuse For Sale, It is plain that befuddled Chancellor Katehi simply does not know what to do. Well, Antabuse no prescription, Antabuse use, that's easy. She should insist to be relieved of duty, about Antabuse. Antabuse dosage, That is the only honorable action. It happened on her watch, Antabuse results. She must stand down, Antabuse For Sale. Effects of Antabuse, If she survives in her position at UCD, Ms Katehi will have shown university administrators everywhere that they can blame staff and get away with it, fast shipping Antabuse. Antabuse dose, But that argument would defeat itself; it would vacate her authority because internally contradictory. Blame can attach only where authority exists, buy Antabuse no prescription. To say the staff deserve the blame is to declare that they, not the Chancellor, have the authority. Antabuse For Sale, No, to restore the authority and respect of the chief administrative position at the U. of Cal Davis, Chancellor Katehi must go. Her authority has already been lost; her position must soon follow. At the time of writing, Monday the 21st at about 9:00 p.m. Iowa time, she just hadn't realized it yet. Soon, surely soon, Antabuse For Sale.

And then the right lesson will have been communicated to university administrators everywhere: never shoot weapons at students. The very idea of University opposes the use of violence against sit-down protesters. The whole purpose is to teach a better way to deal with opposition. When shots are fired, or even just squirted, they may hit the hapless protester but they wound the institution. Antabuse For Sale, PS. Back in the 1960s at one of our Iowa universities a bunch of students invaded the president's house to demand some thing be changed. They vowed to remain until satisfied. What did Dr. and Mrs. President do, Antabuse For Sale. Why, he sat in the living room and listened to them. She baked cookies. It lasted about a day.

A year later, the thing did get changed and the campus is a better place for it. Antabuse For Sale, They named a building after that president. Here is the moral of the story. Weapons: bad. Cookies: Good. Listening: always the right thing to do. Remember: never shoot weapons at students.

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One Response to “Antabuse For Sale”

  1. Raleigh says:

    The Lost Art of Serving with Honor

    Shameless they’ve become; so many people in high positions serving dishonorably. It appears to be an equal opportunity condition in our country, from politicians to University personnel to Wall Street.

    Regarding this particular case, can America’s new standard for responding to civil disobedience be described as “we no longer shoot students, we now just pepper spray them”. It appears so.